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Shellsh gathering Hill Head beach


Email received from Cllr Steve Dugan to HHRA:

The response below is from the head of Environmental Health but the issue was also raised with the police at a recent meeting and they are keen to get more involved.


They would of course need evidence such as pictures and /or car registration details, it would also need to be reported to them on 101 or online.





The situation regarding the control of shellfish gathering and enforcement of any contraventions is far from straightforward.


The Food Standards Agency (FSA) classify shellfish beds in conjunction with the Food Authority, they work with  Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) CEFAS on the sampling and monitoring programmes and organise sanitary surveys of areas to inform classifications. Areas will be classified for only certain types of shellfish if suitable at all and this is only in relation to collection for commercial purposes, there is no control over collection for individual use.


Locally the Food Authority for below the high-water mark is Southampton Port Health, they issue Shellfish Registration documentation to Fisherman/ Hand gatherers (for Commercial use) and are responsible for sampling the shellfish beds relating to the classifications and for enforcement and for closing the beds if required for food safety reasons. They undertake sampling for the monitoring programme. We know they have forwarded concerns to FSA crime unit to ask for advice as this is a much bigger issue than our area.

Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (SIFCA, are a small team who manage the sustainable marine environment in the southern area looking at marine conservation, fishing stocks/ resources, they create byelaws and undertake enforcement predominantly regarding undersized shellfish/ fish, methods of harvesting, collecting in prohibited areas such as seagrass beds. They are well aware of the issue, the team are out and about regularly undertaking enforcement but cover a large area. Their activity may be intelligence focussed so the more information the better and this where we pass all of the intelligence provided to us from the Hill Head Residents. They can be contacted on or 01202 721373. SIFCA regularly provide information that unclassified species are being harvested but the problem is usually proving that it is getting into the food chain.


Fareham Borough Council Environmental Health Team are responsible for investigating allegations of illegal food being used in food premises within our areas. We do go out and investigate any concerns raised with us and have had suspicious clam meat surrendered to us by a food business on the back of a complaint made previously. We also liaise with other agencies to disseminate any information where possible.


The Gang Master and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) investigate and enforce potential gang mastering of persons gathering shellfish. There is a report form and telephone number for the GLAA Labour abuse - Report form - Exploitation - GLAA for people to report information to them directly. Telephone - call FREE from a UK landline on 0800 432 0804, to report your concerns in confidence. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm. People can also email on . The GLAA were the lead Agency with the multi-agency operation that occurred a couple of years ago. The GLAA generally arrange their operations based around national intelligence regarding gang mastering as this is their primary concern.


The Police and Immigration Services also work with the GLAA to assist investigations and enforce specific area of concern, slavery, exploitation, illegal immigration, child labour.


We have collaborated with Police, GLAA, SIFCA, Immigration and port health on beach exercises in the past, these have been organised and led by the GLAA and Police but the exercises are dependent upon the intelligence they have, i.e. is there strong evidence of potential gang mastery. The multi-agency days are resource intensive and have to be properly organised, co-ordinated and resourced. It is not a quick thing to organise and we have no control over it.


When we have done multi agency exercises, we haven’t been able to establish that the pickers are collecting for commercial use, i.e they have small quantities which is lawful. We did collectively identify a couple of people that were in the country unlawfully and immigration dealt with these. These event s did show a presence to the residents of Hillhead, but evidence of ASB or unlawful activity was minimal.


The above is complicated but hopefully sets out the control the various agencies    have.”


I hope this helps but the situation does remain very complicated.





Steve Dugan

Cllr Hill Head


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