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Stubbington Study Centre

Following our meeting with the leader of Fareham Borough Council last week, we have submitted HHRA’s application for listing of Stubbington Study Centre as an asset of community value: see attached.  We are immensely grateful to our member Lynne Murray for preparing the application – thank you, Lynne.  We do not yet know when the FBC Executive will consider it, but it will be in early March.

As we said in our last Update, listing as an asset of community value won’t stop Hampshire County Council doing what it wants, but let us hope that the widespread outcry may cause them to pause and consider other options for the new secure children’s facility.

Meanwhile, the consultation ends on Monday 10 February at midnight.  If you have not already responded, please do, as a matter of urgency.  Even though the consultation document is very poor, our responses are very much needed.  Please try to make time to do it.




You will probably have seen in the press that the Hampshire and Solent bid to be in the first round of strategic authorities to be developed has been approved.  We await more information as to what will now happen, but the first definite decision is that the county council elections scheduled for this May will not now take place.  For more detail about the background to this, please refer to our Updates of 1 and 10 January – see website Latest News.




Our thanks to the 55% of our members who have paid their subscription for 2025.  May we encourage the remaining 45% kindly to do so, please!  A reminder of details:

The amount payable is unchanged at £3 per household.

If possible, we would prefer payment by bank transfer:

Account  Name: Hill Head Residents’ Association

Account No : 74507262Sort code 30-98-97 Reference Info: Name of Member


However we can accept cash and cheques (made payable to Hill Head Residents' Association) and sent or delivered to Membership Secretary, 53 Knights Bank Road, Hill Head, PO14 3HZ.

Phone safety

You may have read that the Metropolitan Police have recently had a campaign regarding theft of mobile phones.  They have offered the following helpful advice (apart from ideally not walking around with it sticking out of your back pocket….):

  • Register all phones with, external, a national property register

  • Set up a strong password and two-factor authentication

  • Turn off message previews so thieves cannot see any messages

  • Write down and safely store the phone's IMEI number


Town centre regeneration plans


FBC has issued the following notification:


Fareham Borough Councillors are preparing to consider a Fareham Town Centre Regeneration Strategy at a meeting of the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel on 12 February.


This strategy has been developed using consultation feedback from hundreds of Fareham residents and local businesses, to provide a town centre which meets their changing needs. Residents interested in the future of the town centre are encouraged to review the strategy to see how their feedback has been taken forward.


Following the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Panel meeting, the proposed strategy will be deliberated at a special Executive Meeting on 13 February.


The proposed Fareham Town Centre Regeneration Strategy builds on existing strengths and supports the creation of a vibrant town with a diverse offer and a unique identity. It is clear that partnerships, collaborative working and ongoing engagement with businesses and visitors will be absolutely crucial for delivery. The Council will proactively seek investment across the public and private sectors, maximising opportunities to bring proposals forward and deliver a town centre that residents can be proud of.



Members’ meetings


A reminder that our next members meeting is at 7.30pm on Monday 24 March (not the original date of 24 February) when Councillor Simon Martin Leader of Fareham Borough Council will speak to us about the many current issues affecting the borough.








1.     Stubbington Study Centre

a.      Consultation

Hampshire County Council is proposing to close Stubbington Study Centre and build a new specialist secure children's home on the site of the Centre, to help meet the increasing need for residential care to support the most vulnerable children and young people both locally and nationally.  Funding is available from central government. At present, many young people are sent miles from their homes and HHRA committee is clear that this is a genuine need.  However, we do not agree that the Study Centre which is by all counts successful and which will contribute to those same young people’s well being should be sacrificed in order to provide it.  There must be other sites in this large county.

In 2023/24 the Study Centre had 4,645 guests staying overnight and 1,948 day visitors (6593 in total), with around 95% of its capacity used over the school terms. The centre employs 24 staff.

With ponds, lake, hides and being close to the coast it is an ideal place for learning. You can find out more about the wide range of activities the study centre offers showing why it is so valuable at


Information on the website pages and in the briefing pack from the County Council is very poor and does not make it clear that the centre brings in enough income to cover all of its costs.  Nor does it provide any information about other sites considered or the costs involved in the project.


The consultation runs until Monday 10 February and is available on the HCC website

Pathetic though the consultation document is, do please respond by 10 February. 


b.      Asset of Community Value

Following a meeting with Councillor Martin, Leader of Fareham Borough Council (FBC) and his Director and Head of Planning yesterday, I am able to tell you that HHRA will be submitting an application to FBC for listing of the Study Centre as an Asset of Community Value.  Some of you will remember us achieving that listing for Haven House just over two years ago.  This time, as then, we are very grateful to our member Lynne Murray for taking responsibility for preparing the application.

We have to be absolutely honest: because Hampshire County Council (HCC) is not proposing to sell the Centre and because it can grant itself planning consent, achieving this listing would not stop HCC in its tracks.  But if it is approved by FBC, it should be given ‘material consideration’ by Hampshire’s Regulatory Committee (which is, in effect, its planning committee) and, above all, it will be one way of enabling local people to say how much they value the Centre.

At our meeting with Councillor Martin he also described the ways in which he has been seeking to engage with HCC, speaking to the Leader Cllr Adams King, and to councillors in Gosport.  He also confirmed that, although Hampshire will be able to give itself planning permission for the building, Fareham will be consulted, as will members of the public.


c.      Petition

Many of you will have already signed the petition, but if not, please do so:


d.      Deputation to HCC committees

If you wish to make a deputation to either the Select Committee on 5 March or the Cabinet on 18 March, please email the address below.  As far as we know, this would be ‘in person’ in Winchester.


e.      Facebook page

Please see the Save Stubbington Study Centre Facebook page for detail of activities. 


2.     Mini forest project Seafield Park

 FBC have issued the following invitation:

We need your help to plant a new mini forest at Seafield Park.


Join us for a fun-filled day of tree planting at Seafield Park on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19 February 2025. Be a part of a wonderful tree planting initiative that will help create a beautiful green space for everyone to enjoy. Together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future.


Whether you're a gardening enthusiast or simply want to contribute to a worthy cause, this event is open to all. No prior experience is necessary as our friendly team will provide guidance on how and where to plant the trees. Spades and gloves will be provided but we recommend you wear sturdy footwear and come suitably dressed for the weather.


Please book either the morning session (10:30am - 12pm) or afternoon session (1pm - 2:30pm) and book 1 ticket for each individual, you can book up to 10 tickets if coming as a group.


Please note there is limited parking at Seafield Park, so please walk, cycle or lift share if you can.


Grab your friends and family and let's get our hands dirty for a good cause!


3.     Other Consultations

A new consultation is about how Fareham should spend:   This closes 14th February.


South Downs National Park Local Plan – about to close on 31 January: 


Pharmaceutical survey - closes 21st March.  Report recommends no extra facilities for pharmacies are needed in the area.  You may be aware that a pharmacy closed in Lee not long ago and an independent tried to set up, but lost their appeal when it was decided it was not required.  If anyone feels pharmaceutical provision is needed, then they may wish to challenge HCC on this matter. 


4.     Scams

Another of the usual implausible messages:

Great news! Your friend [name] from [place] has just won £3,904 with the help of our company.  As part of the winner’s prize, they were given the exclusive opportunity to choose the next participant who is guaranteed to win with our assistance. Today, the prize amount ranges from £1,000 to £10,000 – and you’ve been selected!To claim your prize, simply click the link below, select your desired amount, and get ready to receive your winnings.


5.     Subscriptions

A reminder that it is time for your annual subscriptions, please!  About a third of members have paid…. but two thirds have not yet done so.  Please do, as it saves time for your volunteer committee members. The amount payable is unchanged at £3 per household.

If possible, we would prefer payment by bank transfer:

Account  Name: Hill Head Residents’ Association

Account No : 74507262Sort code 30-98-97 Reference Info: Name of Member


However we can accept cash and cheques (made payable to Hill Head Residents' Association) and sent or delivered to Membership Secretary, 53 Knights Bank Road, Hill Head, PO14 3HZ.

6.     Members’ meetings

A reminder that our next members’ meeting is Monday 24 March 7.30pm in the Catholic church hall Bells Lane when our speaker will be Councillor Simon Martin, Leader of Fareham Borough Council.


Copyright - Hill Head Resident's Association 2024
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