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Notes from Recent Meetings


Members present represented over 60 households. Also present were guest speaker Council Leader Sean Woodward and Councillors Steve Dugan, Kay Mandry, Jacquie Needham and Pal Hayre. Apologies were received from a number of members.

Chair's opening remarks
Pamela Charlwood confirmed the structure of the evening to undertake Association business, followed by a presentation from Council Leader Sean Woodward, with time for questions; followed by Q&A with Members Steve Dugan, Kay Mandry and Pal Hayre.
Pamela Charlwood gave tribute to all those involved in the emergency services action to  contain the fire at the Osborne View and to minimise damage to local properties. The building and the memorabilia within will be sadly missed and it is encouraging that Hall and  Woodhouse have indicated their initial intent to rebuild and re-open as soon as possible. It was noted – with thanks - that HHRA Member John Lewthwaite intends to write a history of The Osborne View and it is hoped to post to the web site in due course.

Record of AGM on 6th March 2023
The record of the meeting held on 6th March 2023 had been previously circulated and was     noted

Matters arising not on the agenda
There were no matters arising not on the agenda

Chair's report
From the report, previously circulated, thanks were offered to Peter Wason and Barbara for their work with HHRA over many years and we wished them good fortune now they have moved to their new home. Thanks were also offered to all Committee Members for their detailed work to support and develop the work of the Association in the past year.

It was  noted that during the year the Council had adopted a Local Plan which confirms the housing and infrastructure ambitions for the future, many of which – Welborne in particular - are beginning to emerge, and it is hoped this will at least reduce  earlier speculative development ambitions.

Turning to Titchfield Haven, thanks were expressed to all those who had sought to retain Haven House in the public domain, In particular Lynne Murray, Caroline Herbert and David Rodgers who created and developed  The Titchfield Haven Community Hub and also Council Leader Sean Woodward, MP Dame Caroline Dinenage and local County Councillor Pal Hayre – alas HCC were not to be convinced and public knowledge of the new owner and their intentions are eagerly awaited once the sale is completed.

Thanks were also extended to our local Councillors Kay Mandry, Steve Dugan and Pal Hayre for their support to the work of the Association in addressing concerns of local residents. It is intended that monthly updates to members will continue

There were no questions from members nor matters arising and the Chair's report was noted.

Treasurer’s report – Association Accounts previously circulated

The accounts for 2023/2024 show an increased end balance of £3,300, the increase mainly arising from higher Membership. It was noted with appreciation that David Burton had acted as Independent Examiner in place of Fiona Fulton.

Adoption of the Association Accounts was proposed by Lynne Murray and seconded by Jane Mackenzie. The Accounts were accepted by general assent

Appointment of Independent Examiner.

A Proposal to appoint Fiona Fulton and David Burton as Independent Examiners for 2024/2045 was made by Mike Rose and seconded by Bill Hutchison and the appointments were confirmed by general assent

Election of Committee for 2024/2025

The Chair and all other committee members have indicated their willingness to continue their roles for a further year. Julie Taylor, currently co-opted, is willing to serve as a full Committee Member. A further co-opted member was proposed – Mark Ransome living in the East of the HHRA area.


Additionally Richard Taylor is willing to continue as Web Master and IT Manager.

The committee structure as indicated below was proposed by Caroline Herbert  and  Chrissie     Luff-and approved by general assent.


  •     Chair: Pamela Charlwood

  •     Vice Chair: Colin Hardy

  •     Treasurer: Carol Gill

  •     Membership Secretary: Julie Taylor

  •     Meeting Coordinator: Peter Harper

  •     Borough Planning matters: Andrea Titcombe and Colin Hardy

  •     Daedalus Solent matters: Ken Mackenzie

  •     Co-opted member: Mark Ransome        

Any other business

A motion was put to Members to hold three meetings for Association Members during the year, rather than four, with any further extraordinary meeting convened as necessary. The proposition was agreed by general assent. Dates will be circulated for two further meetings this year, potentially in July and October 2024.


Notes for Members' update February / March 2024

Presentation to AGM 26th February 2024 by FBC Leader Sean Woodward

See presentation on HHRA website ( Gallery-Meeting Presentations)
Cllr Woodward's presentation identifies local initiatives and developments over 25 years, highlighting changes to housing areas, the town centre and the rebuilding of parks and leisure centres across the Borough.

The purchase of the Daedalus site and the development of an enterprise zone, college facilities and work spaces; the purchase of the town centre shopping centre and the emerging town centre renewal project and the anticipated opening of Fareham Live    (formerly Ferneham Hall) bring the review up to date.

During the presentation and the following (more general) Q&A session a number of issues were reviewed:

Appreciation that HHRA exists as a purposeful organisation seeking to help bridge the gap between Local Government and residents

Welborne is finally emerging from the ground after over 14yrs of planning and the development of over 6000 homes, infrastructure and businesses will largely be undertaken by local developers – not national combines.


The review and options for the renewal of the town centre, including the shopping centre, is progressing and more detailed options for the future should emerge towards the end of 2024. The options are likely to include reduced shops within the shopping centre, opening up a way through the centre evenings and weekends to better connect West St/High St with bus and rail links, car parks and to the shops and entertainment around the town centre.


Fareham Live and the new surface car parks are on target to open towards the end of 2024 and will include M/C bays and EV charging points.


Shopping areas in Fareham likely to build upon individual shops not large combines, which would be in competition with Whiteley and Hedge End


The Police station is now included in the Police Commissioner's retention ambitions (along with the reopening of Park Gate)

A solar farm is emerging as an option in Hook


Potential for 500 homes to be built within the town centre- possibly by reducing the footprint of the shopping centre (which FBC now own)


Fareham Community Hospital is under-utilised and the Council remains committed to influencing the expansion of in-patient, out-patient and day treatments on the site


Titchfield Festival Theatre – remains in the Council view as a valuable asset, however there remains issues of (their) organisational behaviour and compliance with planning regulations to be addressed.


Lookout for opportunities to review emerging options for town centre developments later in the year

Q&A with local Councillors Steve Dugan and Pal Hayre at AGM on 26th February 2024

A number of questions had been sent to Elected Members prior to the AGM and the following summarises the resulting discussion and some outcomes.

Fibre optic broadband via overhead cables – Toob.  Many will be aware that the Government initiative to improve competition in providing broadband, to encourage better value for consumers, has resulted in some new companies entering the market - Toob being one of them. Government guidance confirms that putting up street poles to allow for overhead cables is a permitted development - that is does not require any planning consent. The guidance also advises new providers to use existing overhead cable poles or underground access services where they exist.  Toob have started to put up street poles in areas where none exist and have run into some local resistance-the most recent resulted in Toob contractors calling the police when a local resident initially refused to move a vehicle to allow access to the pavement area for a new pole. There is little FBC can do to regulate this development. The only advice HHRA might offer at the moment is to read carefully any letters from Toob and respond directly with your views as soon as possible both in relation to you likely being a future customer and/or if they advise they are putting up a pole in your area. If you feel able to challenge Toob to provide the evidence that they cannot use an existing underground service, or an existing, street pole all the better. Consider if you might make a formal complaint to Toob if they either fail to respond or you feel the response is less than satisfactory. 023 9300 9300 or email Individuals are also advised to let their MP know if they believe there should be more regulation over the installation of new poles: HHRA will continue to discuss the matter with local Members and FBC officers to explore if any contact with toob local management might elicit what evidence there is that existing underground service ducts cannot be used and potentially to encourage toob to seek advice     about the location of any new poles

Newland Farm/Longfield Ave housing area. The development is now included within the Local Plan and further details of layout and infrastructure is beginning to emerge. FBC will be the planning authority and will seek to work alongside HCC in relation to Education provision and the NHS in relation to access to primary health care. The housing area may reach in the order of 1200 homes. Currently the outline plan shows primary education and day care, local shops and an open area south towards the bypass. Access to secondary and college facilities is assumed to be within existing local provision – including Crofton School. HHRA will keep a keen eye on the detail of housing, infrastructure and access to education and health services as it emerges and include links in future updates.

Welborne. Details of layout, roads and infrastructure are emerging but it it is not yet known if there is a funding shortfall for Jct 10 on the M27. Watch this space for updates.

Hedge cutting. Some progress has been made in establishing responsibility for maintenance between HCC and FBC. The Meon Shore area and Cliff Rd on the cliff top have recently been improved. However future maintenance frequency is not assured and there remain some areas not accepted by either Council as their responsibility (The Grove/Berry Lane footpaths mainly). Some excellent local DIY is reducing the hazard but ongoing work is needed to agree a more sustainable future. The cutting back of the hedge between Old Street and the fields has also been only partially done: Pal Hayre is in touch with the Executive Member at HCC. Watch this space.

Dogs on the beach. Some progress has been made in improving signage but the different limitations on Dogs on/off the lead at different times of the year in different places along the Hill Head / Meon shore remains far from clear. Further discussions to be held with FBC and others.

Joy riding and other driving (and electric scooter) nuisances. The basic message is for residents to report each and every incident to the police via 101 or follow this link  where it will be necessary to select a local police service as it is a national link

Overnight camper parking in restricted areas. Again report each and every incident to FBC with photos where ever possible showing vehicle registration.

Car park boundary markers on Meon Shore car park. These wooden poles had been installed to define parking and pedestrian areas, and were vandalised recently. They will be replaced and are intended to keep vehicles off the raised gravel bank between car park bays and the shore. Report any further vandalism to FBC – 01329 236100 or text  07860 098627 or  

Local Elections – voter ID. A reminder that photo ID will be required in May 2024 local elections. FBC will shortly be sending out guidance on what is accepted and how to get it. HHRA will include reminders in all forthcoming Updates.


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