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HHRA comments on proposals for redevelopment of the Osborne View


Redevelopment of the Osborne View P24/1544/FP

Hill Head Residents’ Association shares the enthusiasm of everyone locally for the potential reappearance of the Osborne View and we hope that the planning and construction phases will proceed successfully and as swiftly as possible.  

Following the very constructive meeting between Hill Head Residents’ Association (HHRA) members and Hall & Woodhouse (H & W) on 10 September, we communicated direct with Mark James, Director, with a number of questions arising from the proposals in the planning application P/24/1544/FP and his helpful responses are reflected in our comments below.  These comments will be submitted to Fareham Borough Council by HHRA.

·        We asked whether it would be feasible to review the extent of reach of the side wings to the south and to consider if it is possible for them to extend deeper into the garden area (perhaps at a lower height) in order to provide even better sight line screening to the side view of the terracing and the garden area without affecting the long view from the neighbours' perspective?  We note H & W’s response that they feel they have tried to achieve a balance between screening the views of their guests over neighbouring properties, protecting the views of neighbours and the overall cost of the building, concluding that they feel that the current design balances these competing demands.

·        We noted that the plans show a new gate from the garden track behind the adjacent cottages (west) to a new ramped access pathway within the site.  We asked if that access is intended as a primary access route, or perhaps more as an emergency exit?  In the same area it would be helpful to clarify if it is intended to use that access for any deliveries when the building is in use.  H & W confirmed this route is not for deliveries, but mainly for emergency access and for occasional use by gardeners and window cleaners.

·        As explained at the meeting, the proposals show construction traffic and access from the road, which is very welcome and supported. We asked if H & W were able to clarify if it is intended there would be any construction traffic or deliveries via Giblet Ore and the rear access. H & W confirmed the intention is to access from the road only, although indicated that they are working through the details with their construction team.

·        We note and appreciate the steps taken to both provide solar panels to the roof and also to screen the visual effect of the panel upstand from street level views.

·        The north elevation shows wrap round terracing to both corners on the top floor: it looks as if this is stairway access from the east side to roof plant and emergency exits for staff accommodation. We requested clarification of the intended use of these terraces as there is some concern they might be used as more general recreational roof terraces by staff or for staff access to the accommodation.  H & W responded that the roof access is only for maintenance and not for team recreational purposes.  The eastern access to team accommodation is for emergency escape only.  Team access to accommodation will be from the western side.  H & W acknowledged the concern being raised and undertook that this will be further managed by the general manager.

·        The plans seem to indicate considerably more use of garden tables off the terracing than was mentioned at the briefing, when the statement ‘no more blue tables’ was made!  Clarification of the anticipated number and siting of tables in the garden area off the terraces was requested. This is particularly relevant given the potentially late opening hours shown in the application. H & W responded that there will certainly be no more blue tables!  The intention is that external covers will be focused more on the terraced areas close to the building as this is operationally more efficient.  However, there will still be covers in the garden, details of which are currently being worked up and will be shared once finalised.  

·        We have noted and welcome the construction management plan and suggest that it would be helpful to establish a neighbour forum at an early stage to ensure there is a well established route to brief and consult with neighbours as the construction phase emerges: we are thinking particularly of the residents of Lighthouse 65, all the white cottages (numbers 69 - 83), numbers 85 to 89, Breezes and numbers 72 - 82 Hill Head Road.  If it would be helpful to have an HHRA representative on that forum we would be pleased to make someone available, or join any ‘virtual’ group. H & W have welcomed this suggestion and have undertaken to organise a forum in the coming months to include the stakeholders HHRA has listed.


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