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HHRA Update 5 August

Dear Members

Encampment at Crofton Manor

Many of you will have become aware yesterday of a large number of caravans arriving at Crofton Manor (the land by the Equestrian Centre and car boot sale field, off Titchfield Road).  You may also have picked up information via social media, but for those who have not, this statement from Cllr Joanne Burton, Executive Member for Health and Public Protection was issued yesterday evening:

The community may well be aware of significant disruption in and around Stubbington and Titchfield this evening.  150 – 200 caravans have arrived at Crofton Manor for a pre-planned week long organised Christian Festival taking place with consent of the landowner.  The event will run until Fri/Sat next week [9/10 August] with security on site each day with religious ceremonies along with entertainment.

The main issue has been traffic disruption, the landowner is on scene along with marshals and managers trying to deal with the volume of attendees.

The police are monitoring the situation and the main focus is on managing the disruption to the road network, rather than public disorder.

It is a shame the organisers did not bother to obtain the required event licence/fire safety/traffic management permissions.

I appreciate there may be some localised tension, but hopefully this information will offer some clarity and avoid unhelpful speculation.

I will ensure that the appropriate council officers are made aware tomorrow [Monday] and as Executive Member for Health and Public Protection am happy to hear about any issues to

A HHRA member was aware of one of the young men in the group mentioning doing tree work.  We would suggest being especially cautious if you receive visits from unofficial traders offering to do tree work, gardening, driveways etc.

Planning Committee to consider the application for 1200 houses on Longfield Avenue P/20/0646/OA

A single issue meeting of FBC’s Planning Committee will be held on Thursday 8 August to consider the application from Hallam Land Management Ltd for 1200 houses and associated infrastructure on Longfield Avenue.  This application was submitted in 2020 and is included in Fareham’s Local Plan.  However, the would-be developer has appealed because no decision has been taken within the agreed period.  FBC have chosen to take it to committee this week because ‘it is necessary for Members to confirm the case that this Council will present to the Planning Inspector’.  The report ‘invites Members to confirm the decision they would have made if they had been able to determine the planning application.  This will then become the Council’s case in respect of the forthcoming appeal’.  The report states that ‘officers have been working collaboratively with the applicant…. However there are financial contributions required to mitigate the impact of the development and some of these contributions have not yet been agreed’.

In simple terms, the planning officer’s recommendation to members is that the application should be granted outline planning permission subject to various conditions.


Sewage spill reported Hill Head

There were reports from Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) that sewage had been discharged onto Hill Head beach at 3.15pm on 1 August (dead low water).   In fact subsequent examination of possible sites found no evidence of sewage and your local swimmers would concur with that.  I am aware that SAS also reported a discharge at the same time in Lee – I have no information about that, other than a number of people reporting unpleasant smells.

Shellfish gathering

Having tried to report large numbers of shellfish gatherers to FBC yesterday evening, I found that the new number we were recently given does not take calls; it does accept text messages but sends a less than helpful response that ‘it will be dealt with once our offices re-open’.  So – total failure.  We have asked our councillors to assist with an effective number, which we will put on the Local Information, Community Safety page of as soon as we have it.  Meanwhile, I shall revert to the number we were previously given and hope that is the correct one: 07770 227155.

Diving Museum

Happily I am able to end on a really positive note with news of the £800,000 National Lottery funding received by the Diving Museum at Stokes Bay.  Those who came to the HHRA meeting on 24 June to hear Mike O’Meara will recall that he updated us about the major project to improve and extend the museum and he hoped to hear the result of their lottery bid at any moment.  The good news came last week and it is the full £800,000 they bid for – great news!




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