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HHRA Update 30 May 2024


Arthur Mandry.  We let you know in the last Update of the sad death of Arthur Mandry and Kay has told us she would wish to thank everyone for cards, letters and condolences.  His funeral will be a civic service at Holy Rood church at 1.30pm on Tuesday 18 June.  Refreshments will then be provided at the civic offices; the family will proceed to a private cremation after the church service and will then join others at the civic offices. Family flowers only, but donations are very welcome to Parkinsons UK.

Council appointments.  Some updates and a correction following recent elections, resignations and reshuffles.

Fareham Borough Council: my apologies for including incorrect information in the last Update. As reported, Cllr Simon Martin is now Leader.  The deputy Leader is Cllr Ian Bastable.  Cllr Louise Clubley is deputy Mayor (not deputy Leader as stated in last Update).

Hampshire County Council: Cllr Nick Adams King has been elected Leader.

Consultations. Hampshire Future Services Consultation: select committees and decisions are postponed until after the General Election and a final decision will be made in October on cuts in services.

Osborne View. We have made contact with the directors of Hall & Woodhouse and said we would be delighted to organise a special meeting of HHRA to hear about their plans and they have responded positively.  The date will be circulated as soon as they indicate when would fit in relation to their planning.

Haven House.  We understand that the prospective buyer of Haven House hopes to achieve exchange of contracts within a few weeks and the trustees of THCH have (again) urged Cllr Kirsty North to issue a statement as soon as possible after that.  Any new information will be posted swiftly on Facebook site Save Our Haven Centre! so keep an eye on that if you are able to.

Shellfish gathering. We know a number of you have observed activities on the shore which seem to be for commercial scale gathering of shellfish.  A reminder that the contact details are on Local Information Community Safety Information.  Tel 01329 236100 (ext 2401) or 07770 227155 or web

Joy riders. A number of members have reported evening joy riders in sea front car parks and along the Meon Shore.  We asked Cllr Steve Dugan to see if a more frequent presence from FBC officers and police can be arranged and we are grateful for his response: ‘Following my email from [an HHRA member] about the joyriding, I spoke to Cllr Burton, executive member for Health and Public Protection. Council officers are now aware and the details were raised at a recent meeting with the police. As a result more patrols have been promised but all instances still need reporting on 101 to ensure it stays high on their priority list. I will inform Environmental Health about the shell fish pickers again’.

Scams. Some new as well as familiar ones: Tesco card survey; Amazon mystery box survey; HMRC wanting to pay you money (?!); free B&Q Makita 6-PC combo kit. A member reports two recent attempts at a scam via their landline from 0203 761 1328.  They googled the number and received these responses from Who Called Me? – ‘primarily associated with energy scam’.  Worth knowing that this check is there.

Fareham Borough Council is warning residents to be on their guard against bogus officials offering Council Tax refunds or threatening them with fines.  For details follow this link to the FBC website

Buses.  First Bus have announced changes to the X4/5 timetables which have started this week. No news as yet about the number 21.   See

The link to the First Bus website is on Local Information Transport.  (Yes – I really am trying to encourage our members to make use of the website!!)

Fareham 999 Day. Don’t forget Fareham’s 999 Day Saturday 22 June from 10am-4pm in Fareham Town Centre.  More details were included in the last Update which is now posted on that excellent website About Us Latest Information.

Recruitment.  We are undertaking a recruitment exercise to extend our membership in Hill Head.  Committee members will be delivering flyers to households not currently in membership.  If you should receive one such flyer through your letterbox, that is not intentional, but please make good use of it by passing it to neighbours or friends who may not be in membership yet!



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